Review of Mars Ezechukwu’s “The Heart Repair Shop: How to Get Over a Breakup in 8 Easy Steps
When Mars Ezechukwu mailed me his book and asked me to review it, I looked at the titled and instinctively told myself, "I'm not going through a breakup, I do not need this book right now." How wrong I was.
About three pages in, I was blown away by how well-written the book is. The author's voice is personal, almost too personal even, and you would feel he was talking to you from just across the table.
Only 70 pages long, easy to read in two or three brief sittings, I thoroughly enjoyed the book despite the fact that I wasn't going through a breakup at the time. I told myself that now I was equipped with the armory to surmount any battles future relationships may bring my way.
I have this cousin who always swears she's going to kill herself whenever a new boyfriend breaks up with her. I sent her the book. When she was done reading it, she told me, "Whoever wrote this knows my problems. Who is this guy?"
The book was written to cater to both males and females. This is the only reservation I have about the book. I would have preferred the author had written one book separately for males and one for females. Nonetheless, the author did a good job of putting information for both males and females in the same book.
Chapter one deals with accepting the breakup and how you can convince your mind it's truly over. Here you will learn why it's silly and unnecessary to pine over lost love. You will also grasp why you need to accept it if you intend to move past it.
Chapter two offers practical tips on why he/she wasn't the god/goddess you think he/she is. The "perfect girlfriend/boyfriend" you thought you had is reasonably debunked. You start to acquire some valuable perspective by this point in the book.
Every chapter deals with a unique aspect of the breakup, as illustrated above. All of these chapters are important and instrumental to the overall goal of picking up the pieces of your broken heart.
Towards the end of the book, in chapter six, the reader is advised on the most effective ways to become a new person so as to be more attractive to everyone around him, even the ex. The reader sees reasons why he should add new frontiers of knowledge to his knowledge reservoir; why he should learn new skills. Also, the reader is presented with practical tips on how to go about learning these new skills. According to the author, it is important to turn the pain of any breakup into inspiration for life-changing strides.
In the last chapter, the reader is shown why he/she should get a new boyfriend/girlfriend. Rather than just presenting the need to get a girlfriend and leaving it at that, the writer actually goes one step further and proffers simplified pointers on how to get a girlfriend. The writer painstakingly takes the reader through the process of meeting new girls, what to say to them, how to filter out the uninterested girls, how to pursue the interested girls, and when and how to make any girl he likes his girlfriend.
As a bonus, the reader is presented with what not to do to get over girlfriend. Thoughts and actions to avoid are highlighted. Some common myths are debunked and comfortably laid to rest.
This book is a valuable resource for relationship coaches and marriage counselors, as the information provided within is not mainstream and a lot of harsh truths are presented in its pages.
This book is also suitable for youths and teenagers as the language is kept as clean as possible. Teenagers who are struggling to come to the terms with the terms and conditions of love and relationships will find this book a treasure trove of knowledge.
This book is suitable for your child, relation or friend who has found it difficult to get over the loss of a relationship that meant a lot to them.
This book is for you, so that you will be prepared and equipped to prevent yourself from ever feeling the pain and loss from a breakup ever again.
It is a guarantee that you will find this book life-changing.
You can purchase this book (available as a PDF file) for $2.99 (N600) from Gumroad with the link below:
Chibuzo Ujam
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