Erotic Fatigue

First off, I was reading earlier today and came across this term "Erotic Fatigue". It is described as "the moments after love in which you feel tired of it, resentful. Reality creeps in and love turns to dislike". See, I have always known how this worked on surface level but never seen it described like this. I experienced it with Didi. It was as if gone with the semen was any and every atom of love I had for her. Her soft breasts meant nothing to me anymore; I didn't even want to reach out for them anymore. She made to kiss me but I could only keep my lips shut; the thoughts of having a French was no longer appealing despite her sensuous lips. I couldn't imagine that I had gone down on her. I closed my eyes to wipe out the images but the taste still lingered in my mouth even though I had wasted enough toothpaste. Hormones must be a bitch! I couldn't understand why. I know I love Didi. I can't afford to think that I wanted her just for sex because it couldn't be. I enjoyed talking with her even though most times we discussed Kylie Jenner and her clan - a topic I wouldn't have tolerated if it wasn't for Didi I thought. But now I know better. I can't tolerate it with anyone especially if it becomes a routine for us. Some can but I can't. It is not my thing.

So that's it. I became tired of her easily not because all I wanted was sex, no. If it was, I would have gotten tired the first time and before the Christian folks adopt this as a basis to preach against pre-marital sex, erotic fatigue does not occur only and because of sex. No. All of us experience erotic fatigue. We adore celebrities and see them as gods and goddesses but then we get closer and we see they are as human as we are and we start picking flaws in their character and before long we almost reserve just hate for them. You see a handsome dude from afar and you are very sure if he talked to you the answer would be yes but when he delivered his line you just wanted to disappear and never see him again. We experience it for heroes too. Bakassi Boys were much loved but it wasn't long before we got tired of them. That Chinese food that looked appetizing could not go down your throat and most of all - we have it for politicians always.

This is valentine so let me limit it to love and relationships. Erotic fatigue sets in with boredom and when reality is not as we imagined like "he does not even last up to three minutes despite his muscles; she is quite a dunce and for heaven's sake she gave me headache before I got her! We can't even hold a conversation for more than five minutes; Forget her wild look that girl is a novice from the Stone Age, etc." Humans are wired to be bored all the time and need constant entertainment to keep them enthralled and that's why marriage could be dangerous. So for those in relationships out there, you need to spice things up. Same position every time is not advised. Change your hangout spots. Spring surprises and do crazy things after all, Cdz stole and I steal from her too that love and common sense don't exist in the same place at the same time. In other words, wisdom and correctness are not always good for love. If Jack and Romeo were wise, they would have been alive and of course there wouldn't be any Rose or Juliet for them. Above all, expect less and realise more. Love is beautiful.


  1. I also came across to this psychology term while i was reading and i am thankful that the first thing that i've read about it is your blog.


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