The Speaker 21st
House of Representative
Student Union Government
The Clerk
House of Representatives
Student Union Government
The executive council Students
Union Government University of Nigeria Enugu Campus wishes to notify you that it
has passed a vote of no confidence on the president of the Student Union
Government University of Nigeria Enugu Campus in the person of Mr. Eze Ekene U.
The executive council in an emergency meeting held on Friday 21st Nov.
2014 after reviewing the state of the union unanimously decided adopt the “Doctrine
of Necessity” by voting for the removal of Mr. Eze Ekene u as the president of
the union since all the problems and difficulties facing the entire union for
long time now were purposefully created by him. Council reviewed the activities
of the SUG president over time and found out that they were all inimical to the
progress of our unionism and to the generality of Nigeria students in UNEC who trusted
the destiny of the union in his hand. Some of his activities which we found not
only unacceptable but also painfully unbearable
have been highlighted here.
To begin with, the SUG president
has purposefully abandoned the union for a very long time now. He nefariously
refused to call for executive council meeting for a period of more than four
months now. It must be noted here that the SUG president for no reason had
refused to call the council meeting even before his suspension by the house of
representative. He constantly rebuffs calls for meeting coming from several
officers of the council on the ground that he is writing exams. We found his excuses
unacceptable because Mr. Eze Ekene is always present at all other meetings
summoned by students from other schools, he has always been present at all the
meetings of NANS holding elsewhere. His excuse is also unacceptable because the
exams he claim to be writing is yet to start and couldn’t have run for four
months. We must note here that assuming exam was an issue stopping our SUG president
from his duties, he would have directed his deputy to hold the meeting from
time to time following the clamor for it by members of the executive council.
So it is a clear case of unwarranted dereliction of duty which we can no longer
continue with in the interest of Nigerian students.
Secondly the SUG president Mr. Eze
Ekene u on 15th of October 2014 led students of other schools on a
courtesy visit to the former Vice Chancellor of the University of Nigeria Nsukka
Prof. Chinedu Nebo who is now the minister of power. This is coming at time
when the union is in dire need of money and in need of such courtesy visits
that will boost the fortunes of the union. Please note here that eze ekene has
never led our union to any courtesy visit despite the fact that it was one of
the means we agreed we will be sourcing fund from. The SUG president vehemently
refuses to make any movement that will lead to generating fund for the running of
the union but he does so for students from other schools. This has led to a
situation where the officers of the union run their offices with their personal
fund which has crippled the activities of the union for long time now. We cannot
continue to allow a person who in his greed for money and selfishness and nazistic
tendencies frustrates the activities of an entire government to continue to
lead the union for as elected officials we are obliged to defend the interest
of the people who elected us no matter whose ox is gored. Obviously a man who
does these things as a leader of his people does not have the interest of the
people at heart.
Thirdly during the National Association
of Nigerian students (NANS) convention which held from 11th to 14th September 2014, the school authorites
approved the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand naira for six (6) officers
of the union that attended the convention at Asaba Delta State. But on getting to Asaba the
president and the financial secretary Mr. Awe promise for unknown reasons
hijacked the money to the detriment of the other officers of the union in the
convention. It resulted to a very bad scene that shattered the dignity of the University
of Nigeria before students of other universities from across the country. As
the president was posing to fight with some officers of our union, the president’s
cronies and foot soldiers from other universities were busy harassing and intimidating
the other officers. It took the intervention of the associate dean students’
affairs department Dr Mrs. Edith Nwosu whom our union officials in the
convention had to call at an ungodly hour of 1.05 am of Saturday the 13th
of September 2014 for the president to release a very small fraction of the
fund for the officers of the union. In a meeting of the entire union with the
associate dean students affairs department held on 6th of Nov. 2014
in the dean’s office, the secretary general of the union who took time to
inform the entire union of the incidence frowned at the development and
demanded an account of how the fund was spent from the president and the
financial secretary. The financial secretary provided a written “Break Down of
NANS Convention Money”. From the break down, out of the ₦250,000.00 released for the
convention, the sum of ₦182,000.00 was accounted for while the sum of ₦
68,000.00 remained on accounted for. This ₦68,000.00 is supposed to
remain in the union’s account since in the long run it was not used for the
convention but the duo of the president and the financial secretary were
telling us that there is no money in the union’s account to pay for an eleven
thousand naira the union borrowed from the associate dean students affairs
department. The inglorious conduct of the SUG president that not only
embarrassed the SUG UNEC in the presence of their counterparts but also dragged
the of the image of the University of Nigeria to the mud is considered
by the council as undeserving and quite unbecoming of a person that occupies
the post of SUG president of UNEC and as officers elected to protect interest
of students and also promote the good image of the university, we cannot allow
anybody who abuses this primary roles to continue to lead the union.
Fourthly, in our bid to ensure that
the troubles in the union get solved, some of our officers had approached the associate
dean student’s affairs department and complained about the president’s refusal
to call executive council meeting among other issues to her. The associate dean
in her own effort as a mother of the students saddled with the responsibility
of dealing with any issues concerning the students of this great university directed
a meeting of the entire students’ union government UNEC on 6th of Nov
2014. In the meeting all the officers present in the meeting complained of one
thing or the other against the president with special attention on his
inability to lead the union for many months now. Also complained was that the
president is keeping malice /not in talking terms with almost all the officers
of the union – a fact which the dean herself attested to. The dean pleaded
passionately with Mr. Eze Ekene U to resume his leadership of the union by
calling for meeting as soon as possible since his only claim of writing exam
was disputed with a stronger fact that he attends all other meetings with
students of other schools including leading them on a courtesy visit that
lasted for some days to minister of power in Abuja. The president who stubbornly
claimed before the dean that he had been carrying everybody along despite
glaring evidence and facts also struggle to tell the dean that he remains a
saint that he had always claimed to be. But more than two weeks after the
meeting with the dean, Ekene Eze neither called nor directed his VP to hold
executive council meeting. What we saw instead was that on Monday the 17th
Nov 2014, the same man whose exams don’t give chance to hold or ask his deputy
to hold important meeting for more than four months not only did he seized an
invitation sent to our union by a certain political party to attend a rally at Okpara
Square but also led a group of students to the rally without notifying any
officer of the union. We got to know this through the benevolence of some of
our colleagues from other schools who were marveled that we were not there.
Note that the said invitation was sent to all SUG in various schools in Enugu state.
Note also that the SUG president Eze Ekene attended and participated in several
meetings preceding the rally. We wonder why his examination did not stop him
from all these. Apart from the fact that he concealed the invitation from everybody
in the union, he collected the sum of five hundred thousand naira (500,000.00) that
was distributed to all the schools that were invited and returned here in the
campus on 18th Nov to share the sum of six hundred naira only to
fifty people that allegedly attended the rally apparently ignorant of Eze
Ekene’s antics. The SUG president pocketed the remaining four hundred and
seventy thousand (470,000.00) naira. The executive council considers this to be
a height of wickedness against it and the entire government by the supposed
president of the union in an event the union members were invited. It should be
pinpointed here that the officers of the SUG of other
schools were visibly present in the event but ours is different because we have
a selfish, self-centered, greedy and unfortunately wicked president in the
person Mr. Eze Ekene U. Because he has
done this, the council is of the impression that the president is capable of
selling the entire students for monetary gains and therefore we cannot continue
with him.
Having continued to jettison his duty by
refusing to call meeting two weeks after the dean had pleaded with him to do
so, more than the majority of the council members had signed for an emergency
meeting to be held to enable us review the state of the union among other
important issues. To this effect, an emergency council meeting was fixed on
Friday the 21st of Nov 2014 which the SUG president was duly
notified of. The meeting was overwhelmingly attended by the council members.
The council members were again shocked to their marrow on noticing that the
president was absent. It is this development that forced the council to adopt
the “Doctrine of Necessity” by invoking an inherent power of every executive
council the world over to remove to president through a vote of no council. The
vote has duly been signed by members of the council and we use this medium to
communicate same to you.
For want of space, we are not
presenting all the misdeeds of the president Eze Ekene to you beyond what have
been stated already. However there is the need that we make some point quite
categorical at this juncture. The executive council members have done all that
is humanly possible to work and cooperate with the president of the union. Each
of us has at one time or the other done something very unique to help Eze Ekene
succeed as SUG president. We have covered all his lapses till date as we know
that every human been possess some form of lapses and Eze Ekene surprisingly is
one with alarmingly stupendous amount of lapses. But from verifiable incidences
it is clear that he is impervious to change and strangely possess the trait of
inability to work peacefully with any human being on earth aside his unrivaled
and legendary greed for money, fame, suppressive mannerism and notoriety for
financial dishonesty and misappropriations. After reviewing all the activities,
actions and inactions of the SUG president, the executive council is of the
informed impression that Eze Ekene is on a very sinister mission to strangulate
the Student Union Government UNEC the same way he strangulated the First Year
Medical Student Association (FYMSA) when he was their president. And he has
gone far in achieving this. All the things we have observed him do some of
which have already been highlighted here are the same things he did with the
first year student of medicine who entrusted the welfare of their association into
his hand as their president. It is on record that the SUG president embezzled
all the money contributed by members of FYMSA and used antics very identical to
the ones he had used in this current SUG to throw the association into
irreparable crisis that lasted in the hearts of their members for many years.
The fate of Ekene’s FYMSA is what the executive council cannot fold their hands
and watch Mr. Eze Ekene impose on the nascent SUG UNEC hence our decision to
retrieve the post from him. This we believe is very necessary as the fortune of
the entire Nigerian students in UNEC is far more important than the fortune of
an Eze Ekene. We are going this detail for the consumption of the entire
student populace who are frequently being fed with numerous lies by the SUG president
in his quest to force the UNEC students to perceive him as a saint.
And at this juncture the executive
council make bold to state, in order to put the record straight, that Eze Ekene
contributed only an insignificant percentage to all the successes recorded by this government quite
contrary to the lies he told the students on 6th of Sept. 2014. On
the said day Ekene Eze purported to tell the students among other lies that all
the successes recorded by this administration was done by him alone. The truth
remains glaring everywhere in this school and it is that in all the said
successes recorded, Eze Ekene maintained a posture that made it impossible for them to be achieved but thanks be to God
that most of the members of the executive council know quite well how to get a
job done without creating problem. Many people in the school administration can
attest to this. That is the secret of the said successes and not due to one man
who always use sentiments to confuse the students who elected him. In that same
announcement, the SUG president went further to tell the students that he is
the only person in the executive council that is mature. Our reply to this is
that, what the president said can only be true if maturity is measured by
number of departments and faculties one has changed to or from while undergoing
a first degree program.
Finally we wish to conclude this by
informing you that we took our decision based on the fact that to allow the SUG
president Eze Ekene to stay longer than this day 21st Nov 2014 in office is to put the final nail on the coffin
of this union. It is equally worthy of note to mention that the SUG president
has never informed anybody in the union of what is going on in the municipal
committee instituted by the Vice Chancellor Prof B.C Ozumba and in which Ekene
was put in order to represent the students interest and to act as a catalyst to
see to the restoration of pipe borne water to Enugu Campus. This resulted in
members of the union not being able to give a correct answer whenever the Vice Chancellor
had asked question on the state of the project. Three sub committees was created
by the municipal committee and SUG president was requested to appoint the
unions representatives in to each but till date nothing like that ever happened.
To end this, we wish to give glory to God almighty for making us understand the
antics of the SUG president Eze Ekene who
was throughout his regime encouraging division, sabotage, internal wrangling
and opposition within the executive council in particular and the entire
government in general in order to
achieve the wicked biddings of his hearts. Today we are united as one body and
more than ever before ready to move the union to an enviable height and to
preserve the good image and reputation of the University of Nigeria as she
continues to “Restore the Dignity of Man”. Cooperate with us dear honorables of
our great union!
Thanks .
SUG senate
SUG Judiciary
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