University of Nigeria Enugu campus (unec) is a kingdom, and by default every kingdom has a king and for the king to operate in dominion, there must be an altar from where he draws power.

An altar is a gateway into the spiritual world, be it positive or negative spiritual world. It is a place of sacrifice, a power base from where strength can be regained.  An altar is mark of ownership. Any altar that speaks over a place or life is the owner of such place or life.

Just like any other kingdom, there were kings who came and established altars here in unec, from where different kinds of evil were carried out, the truth is that there was a time in this land when cultism for instance was in fully active, a situation where one will be at the comfort of his room and some group of cultists will come openly to harass and even kill you if you do not do as they say.  Dr. C O Chukwu of the blessed memory during one of his lectures we had with him some semesters ago told a story of how a young man was beheaded right there in MPB 320 while he was lecturing, and he could do nothing but to run for his own life.

This is just one out of many evil deeds which may have taken place in unec. Sexual immorality is a possible evil which may have taken place in the open as a manifestation of the evil altars established in unec. The fact that we are not experiencing this kind of situations currently does not mean that it never was or that the altars from which these evil emanated have been wiped out. Altars are not really destroyed but defiled.

Examination malpractice, signs of sexual immorality ( imagine a girl taking her bath in her hostel bath room in the broad daylight but drawing attention by calling a guy who was passing), and the deaths that has being happening among both lecturers and students, the latest being the loss of our dear sister Nwaeke Roseline. These are just signs, evidences to tell that evil altars were established in this land.

The reason why these altars can no longer operate openly in full force is because a greater ALTAR has been established in this same unec which has subdued those evil altars. This ALTAR, the is the ALTAR of our LORD JESUS CHRIST has been established and was piloted by sons whom experienced the real manifestations of the evil altars and got provoked in the spirit.

The Church (Christian body) in unec seems to have being asleep all the while because we feel everything is alright. But the truth is, whether you are involved or not, the ALTAR of GOD has been established in unec and it has started manifesting. God has started something in this land and I feel it will be wise for us all to get involved and be part of what God is doing because it is a privilege, for your name to be among the names of those whom in time to come will be counted as one of those whom worked with God to make His kingdom come in unec.

But the truth of the matter still remains that whether you are involved or not, God must complete that which He has started, for the Bible says I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail. Neither I nor you but God Himself will build His church and He has started it. Faculty of business administration (FABSA) which according to history used to be the center for immorality, two sessions ago started an annual power packed prayer program tagged ''FABSA PRAYS'',  just on the 16th of this very November 2014, unec experienced the CAMPUS NIGHT OF WORSHIP, a power packed night which brought together all the Christian community in unec, regardless of denomination under one voice to sing praises and rendered worships unto God. And this was a birth of an annual experience which has come to stay. The student union government (SUG) of this campus to the best of my knowledge I have not heard that it held any Christian program but this current SUG regime is planning a praise night which I believe will be a powerful one, as part of its week. And as if these are not enough, God has also established true Christians as the authorities of this campus. The Dean of student affairs department, the DVC, and the VC are all Christians. These are just some of the manifestations of what the Lord is doing in the land of unec.

What is reigning now is to be a true child of God, if you are still living in sin, it means you belong to the old school crew, it means you are an outdated fellow. Very soon in this land of unec and beyond, if you are not a true Christian, you will be so ashamed to come out in public or to even participate in any conversation.

Unec has been taken over by God, and He has come to stay.  The ALTAR of our LORD JESUSU CHRIST has overthrown every evil altar in unec and has rendered them powerless. So I think it will be a wise decision if you join the moving train, the winning team, that is the JESUS team if you have not joined yet. For me I have joined and I have no regrets at all because it is fun walking and working with GOD, its really fun guys, come join the crew because you will really regret it if you are left out and you will have yourself to blame.

God is in unec, and nothing can stop Him from doing that which He has come to do!.


Ede Chuka Stephen. (ECS).  






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