Unec, Behold Your Intercessors For The 2014/2015 Accamic Session.
It was just like yesterday when this just dissolved house of the Joint Campus Christian Body (JCCB) assumed office. But just yesterday, the14th of September 2014, we saw the Onah Izuchukwu led house which took off on the 7the day of June 2013 dissolved, and a new house emerged. Here are the men to pilot the spiritual affairs in the land of UNEC for the 2014/2015 academic year.
from CU. In business management, as the organising Secretary (OGS).
* ADOR EMMANUEL from PSF, in law, as the publicity Secretary.
* NWADIKE EKEME G. from MFM, in Med. Rad. as the general secretary.
* ONYEMAR JESSICA from Casor, in MLS, as the sisters' coordinator/ financial secretary.
* BRO. NWACHUKWU from WCF, in law as the Bible study Secretary.
* ONWUGHARA BENEDICT from ASF, Med. Rad. as the prayer Secretary (prayo).
* ANEARO PRINCE from SCM, in Med. Rehab. as the general coordinator(bishop).
The Lord has shot arrows of wonder into the land of unec. We should obey and pray for this ones and it will surely be well with the land.
Leaders from both the past and current houses.
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