- jay comedy-

I looked left and right to ascertain the safeness of the road. The sun was up and hot , my mind was down and sad. Just yesterday I had witnessed the death of my mother, I remember how they slaughtered her before me for no other reason than the celebration of their blasted easter.
The sun is warm on my feathered being, as I dejectedly walk to the other side of the road. I look left, then right again just to be sure but still nothing. I am taking my time delving into the sweet memories of maa and her respective Idiosyncrasies. 
Maa never kept late nights, because it just wasn't her nature. She was quick, rather too quick I must add, to retire to her chamber of slumber each evening. I was so young ,energetic and vibrant. As the days ran into weeks, the weeks to years I took after her . Perhaps it was in our nature afterall. I learnt to give the farmer a run for his money each time he came into our world of concrete , wire gauze and sawdust with the intent always it seemed to take one of us. But that is all gone now I have grown up with an abrupt alacrity that scares me, from maa's favourite to the lonely wanderer. I remember vividly yesterday when I took off, when farmer opened the gate to our world, I don't know what gave me such courage , even maa had constantly warned me that courage was not one of my virtues but perhaps I drew inner strength. I have been on a journey since yesterday, lost and tired. I stopped now and then to hunt for food, anything at all that looked like food. I certainly miss farmer now , even if he killed maa.
I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I did not see it coming. I suddenly felt a quick sharp pain penetrating my entire being . The last words I heard were "bloody chicken, stay off the road" with the flashing image of a fat chubby face poking out of the car's window. Alas perhaps ma was right about me.


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