As Rt. Hon. Nwancha Precious Turns +1

Coming into UNN, I had in mind to be the best I can, academically though for that was all I knew about campus life. Gradually responsibilities began to creep in and it became obvious I was going to have another pursuit added to my academics, that is politics. In the process of making up my mind and working towards that ambition, I met this young man for whom I write this update.
Mr. Speaker, as I called him then for he was the Speaker, House of Representatives, SUG, UNN (2014/2015) stands tall in appearance, integrity and leadership. Before my foray into politics, I never knew any of the SUG officials as they never mattered to me, afterall, how does that add to my G.P? But meeting him was an eye-opener into what has been happening in his government, how maturedly the House had handled of irregularities and allegations during his time, how he had upheld his integrity and values in his days in office, and how their decisions had affected the lives of students, directly and indirectly. Coming from him, they seemed like the normal politician's way of blowing their trumpets. But then I decided to stick close a bit longer, and I found out it was much more than praise singing.
His leadership prowess in and out of government continues to speak for him. He has been, and is still an encouragement to many students on campus, a role model indeed who is eager to ensure the spiritual, physical and moral wellbeing of those those who look up to him by standing for truth and justice whenever the need arises. So many things come to mind as I think about my many encounters with him, so many I will bore my readers if I go articulating them. However, some remain outstanding, and this write-up will be incomplete if I do not speak of his commitment and passion for the revival and survival of the Union in particular, the Igbo Nation and the Nigeria Youths in general.
Today we celebrate a man of humble disposition, a Lion that stands out in influence, honour and dignity, a rare gift to our world and our generation.
As the Lord adds a year to you today, may He also add with it many more opportunities to affect lives for good, many more years of greater glory and may He make you to stand before kings and not before obscure men.
Lions and Lionesses celebrate you!
SUG, UNN celebrates you!!
Okeke Chibueze celebrates you!!!
Happy Birthday Presh. Ad multos annos.

Comr. Okeke, Chibueze O.
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Chibuking78. BB Pin: 226F3F39


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