On the 25th December of every single year this group of persons toil and boil to satisfy others expectations. They are of course indoor and outdoor alike attending to this duty without as much as a seconds pause to attend neither to the texting culture that has pervaded our society , the ringing of their now smart cell phones and the esoteric call of nature discernable by peculiar keen beings.
       They for the aforelisted reasons despise Christmas. To them the "Christmas is a time of giving" clique, applies without restrain for they give all they have on that very day in a bid to make the Christmas spirit suffice only to pay the price of a headache, fatigue and death  at the end of it all.
       Each year is therefore anticipated with much spite and general disregard, for what lies ahead is almost always certain. It is arguable that technology had alleviated these persons to a reasonable extent however the bulk of the work is still ultimately in their hands. Humans must after all fulfill certain traditions for this is the spice of life.
        Sometimes those not within this hating class prays and thanks God for not been a member. To be would without prejudice qualify one a Christmas hater. These persons are however advised to view their various tasks as duty to justify its completion. This is because what a person cannot change owing to circumstance can only be dealt with through positive and systematic acceptance (though the writer admits that this is sometimes difficult). It is the writer's hope that in doing this the Christmas hating would cease, to be replaced by a strong sense of duty, joyous toiling and giving.


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