Popular UNEC "Facebook Terrorist", Chidozie Wilfred OBJ, offers to Make Amends?

If you are frequent on Facebook, then very likely, you have bumped into Chizodie Wilfred OBJ. He is an 300 level UNEC online personality whose Facebook posts are dreaded by many, especially from his faculty (Business Faculty). While he terrorizes some persons on Facebook, others just have a good laugh, owing to his hilarious write-ups. Well, those days of laughter are likely to come to an end as he has clearly declared that after listening pleas from certain individuals, he has decided to make amends by coming physical. Lol.

These are his words:
"Chidozie wilfred a.k.a OBJ, z a young handsome dude who like doing d right tin at d right time, but so many ppl just hate me bcos of many of my facebook updates, ppl like desire in ist year marketing, maryjane in 3rd year bankin, e.t.c even though dea dnt knw me in person, but dea own judgement day z coming, u gain ntin hatein me, u gain ntin mockin or backbite me, i stil remain nice 2 d nice ones nd bad 2 d bad ones, but afta my beloved ones ifeoma uzor 3rd year mktin, angela nkiru 2nd year mktin, adaku ojukwu 3rd year mktin,nd nelson d mr marketin, hv pleaded wit me 2 stop my bad facebook updates, all d same z high time i less my facebook critics nd start coming physical, dnt look 4 my trouble nd i wunt look 4 urz.. Api sunday nd hv a nice day."


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