Hey Lionspoters! It is our earnest desire that you have a fruitful semester, void of “issues”, “P’s” and “ishs”.

Down the F’s!!!

We would be doing our little bit to that effect and thus would be dishing a weekly inspiring thrill wrapped <Be a Lion>. This, I hope would speak to us in languages we understand and move us from being ordinary to doing a bit more “extras”.

This week’s “Be a Lion” is titled “Failing Forward”


I have been doing a bit of thinking. Well, a lot of thinking to be honest, and I have been struck by how clearly I can remember the good times (the good grades and all) and the bad times. But I can barely remember the transition.

Yes the transition! The day you stopped reading. The moment you gave up on studying. Ps, where is your library card?

Do you still know the word “student” comes from the word “study”? At what instance did you join the backwagon to do what they know how to do WORSE- Jacking!

That’s by the way, JACKIE!  (Chan)

So you are sick. By and large at the moment, you ‘re the one and true definition of failure. The grades are on an all-time low. You lost to a better fool – your chick, chicks or dude. There’s no money in the bank! (Sorry I mean, YOU have no money in your account. There is always money in the bank). Your dad is sick. You hungry. Friends departing… wailing infinito, like the ending of a tragic story.

Well, it’s time to fail forward.

Yes, you heard me right and read correctly.

Spare me your reasons for Failure. I do believe and preach that your “reasons” for failure are private to you.

You know the gospel according to the wise, “Success has many fathers. Failure, since UNN was invented is and remains an Orphan.”

So let’s work this out. How do you Fail Forward?

The difference between average people and achievers is their perception and response to failure. We all fail but the trite law remains, when achievers fail, they see it as momentary event, not a lifelong epidemic.

So spotters, get over yourself. Everyone else has.

You also have to deal with procrastination. One thing it surely does is make difficulties grow and seem insurmountable. Don’t just talk the talk. Do the do!!! – Simple.

To fail forward, that is, get up and shine, you have to say goodbye to today’s wrongs, habits, hurts, tragedies and baggage. You also need excess space from the nothing-goes-well, this-school-is-hard-kind-of-friends.

It’s been proved that those who think on paper, think better. In this light, get a sheet, find a dark meditation spot, pen down all that needs to be changed and most importantly, why they must change!! – Find Reasons.

---I hear someone say, well, I can’t change. I have flaws----

The truth is, we all have flaws. Never use yours as an excuse to quit, instead, move forward or sideways.

John Maxwell in his bestseller “Failing Forward” made quite a point. He said, “The most important thing in life is not to capitalize on our gains. Anyone can do that. The really important thing is to profit from our losses. That requires intelligence. Make a difference between a man of sense and a fool.

Be more this season, get up, think, talk, write, act, fail forward and as predicted by your pastor – It is not over until you win.

Visit and as always, be a lion!!!





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