Mr. Speaker, SUG, UNN adds a Year

Everyday has someone somewhere in the world celebrating his birth and today is not an exception. However, what is exceptional is that today we remember the birth of a unique personality.
Gentle and calm in disposition yet commands crowds wherever he be found. Young and vibrant, he remains a man of the people who understands what it means to stand for what is right. He sits at the helm of affairs in the House of Representatives, Student Union Government, University of Nigeria, Nsukka Chapter. Without much noise, he coordinates happenings among his honourable colleagues so much you are tempted to call him the father of one big family.
SUG, UNN celebrates you for your contribution towards ensuring that the different arms of the government function optimally and responsibly.
The students celebrate you for your concern for their welfare both in the making of laws and in representing our interest before the university administration. For while we were away on our mid-semester break, you and other officials of the Union remained here to represent the interest of the students before the university administration.
For this and many more, we say:
Happy Birthday Mr. Speaker, House of Representatives, SUG, UNN!
Happy Birthday, Rt. Hon. Ogbu, Magnus Ncheteka!!
May the Lord who has brought you this far lead you to greater heights in life, and may He bless you with wisdom and an excellent spirit for greater achievements.
Ad multos annos!!!

Comr. Okeke, Chibueze O.
Electronic Information,


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