Gods Words From His Servant, REINHARD BONNKE

The earth around us still reeks with the blood of the 200 million people who have been slaughtered in wars last century. Should God distance Himself from that? How could He? Must He speak in bloodless terms? What could He do without blood in such a world that is anything but bloodless? Only a wounded Christ can come to a wounded world. Our kind of world needs that kind of Savior. The blood of Jesus speaks the truth about God. Christian truth is not a delicate bloom, cultivated in a convent like a lily in a hot house. Wickedness is an awful smell in the nostrils of God and cannot be disguised by perfumed poetry. God did not deal with sin from a cushioned pulpit, but when nailed to a Roman death-rack. He invaded the devil's own territory and hunted him down, tackling death and hell head on. No such encounter could be bloodless. "Precious, precious blood of Jesus, shed on Calvary; shed for rebels, shed for sinners, shed for me…" Thank you Lord Jesus. God bless you. REINHARD BONNKE
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